Friday, July 3, 2009

Does this count as PMS? ;P

Monday 29/6/09
The QUIET-ness starts to take its place in my system.

Tuesday 30/6/09
COMPLETELY silent during school, and so the emo-ing starts.

Wednesday 1/7/09
Cried at night for no reasons, feeling extremely frustrated for no reasons, feeling depress FOR NO REASONS! )):

Thursday 2/7/09
Friend's birthday ; Almost cried in school . Cried in the evenings due to :
Frustration from school.
It's all HER FAULT.
And I regreted to wan to even KNOW HIM.
If it wasnt for her I wouldn't be so embarassed everytime I sees his friends or HIM.

Friday 3/7/09 *TODAY
Feeling very very emo-ish in the morning.
Feeling betta after recess"FOOD"
Guess I was hungry xD
The End?

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